Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Tem and Tessa are so funny. We decided last night that we need to start writing down some of the things they say just so we can laugh about them later. Last night, Abby and I (Kate) went in to Tessa's room to tuck her into bed. We were welcomed by an adorable little girl wearing a Mrs. Claus Christmas dress - red and velvety with white fir around the neck. Apparently, she thought it would work well for pajamas.

Then, we asked if she would want to hang out with us sometime. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Tessa, would you like to hang out with Abby and me sometime?

Tessa: Yep.

Me: Okay, what days would work out for you? When are you free? This weekend sometime?

Tessa: (in an exasperated tone) I don't know! My mom doesn't even tell me!

We are so thankful for these two hilarious, wise, brilliant, and beautiful kids that are a part of our family. We learn as we go. And, we sure are learning A LOT.